The study and treatment of insignificant psychological disorders.


A Sociative Microdisorder


Disconnectopathy is manifested as worry brought on by the belief that one is losing relationships with peer members due to even the briefest period of dislocation. Symptoms are frequent telephone conversations, habitual texting and the sending of numerous emails to other members of the group. A 30 minute delay in the receipt of a telephone call, of a text message, or of an email will often result in serious anxiety in the disconnectopath.

A serious physical side effect of Disconnectopathy is the early onset of postural kyphosis due to the number of electronic communication devices carried as well as the spare batteries to power them.

Disconnectopathy presents itself mostly in girls between the ages of 11 and 17 years old. On the other hand, it is rare to find Disconnectopathy among those of either gender over the age of 72.

Solitary rock in the ocean


Although products are available for the disconnectopath, a common mistake in treating Disconnectopathy is to provide the patient with means to stay in frequent contact with his or her peers. This only prolongs and intensifies the symptoms. The most effective treatment seems to be just the opposite — removing all means of communication. Though radical in approach and difficult in execution, this treatment has shown to be the most successful — effective in over 83 percent of the patients who completed treatment. (See Jean-Paul Dupeau’s book, Just Stop!, on treating this and other microdisorders.)

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